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myVillage Rewards

Be in the know about our year-long rewards and seasonal specials!

Join us today as a myVillager

Spend $80 at myVillage and be eligible for a myVillager Membership! myVillagers get to earn points for free parking, use them for seasonal items, and get special vouchers.

The benefits don’t stop at vouchers and parking perks. A membership means that you get early notification and access to special yearly community events in our space. You’ll also know about the best deals and latest updates of your favourite shops and restaurants.

Head on down to our Concierge Counter at Level 2 (myVeranda) with your receipts in hand, complete a membership registration form, and you’re all set!

Spend $80 to be a myVillager

Earn points with each $1 spend

Redeem free parking and other vouchers